Aquia Christian Academy
"Where Learning and Fun Begins"
Contact us for more information at (540) 658-1414
Aquia Christian Serves
Aquia Christian Serves is a part of Aquia Christian Academy that exists for the purpose of promoting volunteerism, community service outreaches, and training in a Christian environment. Our program offers an exciting opportunity to serve children and families in our community.
We focus on promoting active community involvement while provide engaging and meaningful outreach opportunities for the youth. Through local outreaches, we connect the youth through volunteering, service learning, and by working together.
Primarily, we will take action on outreach issues that are of significance to our local community. It is our mission to become a driving force in enthusing young people to grow and remain responsibly involved while becoming pillars within their community.

We provide a free dinner for the community monthly.
All are welcome. Food and paper product donations are greatly appreciated!
Volunteers are Welcomed

St. Judes
During the school year, we participate in the St. Judes Trike a Thon which raises money to aid families staying at St. Judes Hospital.
This program teaches our youth bike safety and the importance of helping others.

Education Fund
We are committed to raising funds to
aid families in the raising cost of childcare and children services.

We want to get the youth and the community involved
in community events that help others.
Teaching the youth helps change the world.